
DJ Hifiprofessori - Mixcloud mix vol 7 Rockin' Music to cast spells in the woods

This is an artist/song list for DJ Professor Of Hi-Fi a.k.a. DJ Hifiprofessori Mixloud mix.

DJ Professor Of Hi-Fi Show vol 7 on Mixcloud

Jesse Dayton - Born With a Tail
Eddie Spaghetti - Jesus Never Lived on Mars
J.D. Wilkes - Down in the Hidey Hole
Woodbox Gang - Shadow of Tom
Slack Bird - Pyllytä Peto
Hirttämättömät - Naidaan Murheet Pois
Mama Rosin - Le Pistolet
The Meat Purveyors - Thinking About Drinking
The Blind Owl - Band Blue Eyes Dancing
Those Poor Bastards - Give Me Drugs
Blackbird Raum - Honey in the Hair
The Goddamn Gallows - 7 Devils
The Gallows Dance - Ordinary Day
Jolly Jumpers - Freebird
The Lovematches - Driving with the Breaks On
Jenny Don’t And The Spurs - Call of the Road
Mischief Brew - Thanks, Barstards!
Old Man Markley - Blood On My Hands
Sarah Shook & the Disarmers - Fuck Up
Ugly Valley Boys - Raven
The Good Luck Thrift Store Outfit - The Burden of Sea Captains
Mighty Tsar - Pretty Liar
Tami Neilson - Come Over
The Urban Voodoo Machine - Pipe and Slippers Man
The Blackeyed Susans - Who’s That By The Window
Joe Buck Yourself - Drug Train
500 Miles To Memphis - Broken, Busted, Bloody
Days N’ Daze - Flurry Rush
Johnny Hobo And The Freight Trains - D.I.Y. Orgasms
The Taxpayers - I Love You Like An Alcoholic
Rail Yard Ghost - Train That Can Fly
Urban Pioneers - Tpaa
King Dude - Watching Over You
Angry Johnny And The Killbillies - The Owl
Paddy And The Rats - Drunken Sailor

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